Tristar Air Climber - Red/ Black
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"Tristar Air Climber - Red/ Black" Feature
The Most amazing AB builder!!!The Air Climber System makes exercise fun. Get cardio, weight loss, and tighter abs and core while you step on air. Using air eliminates impact on joints.
Air flows form pedal to pedal, inflating the bellows. Fat burning workouts, total body toning and an ab workout make it exciting and provide even faster results.
Air Climber comes with a meal plan, workout plan, digital training computer, bonus workouts, and a body cord for upper body toning. You get a complete system
ready to work your core. The air power technology is also easy on the joints making it a good workout for anyone of any fitness level. It eliminated jarring impact
to your joints. It lifts your legs to keep you moving and helps you get results faster than you ever though possible.
No more crunches. Sexy abs without getting down on the floor!
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